Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 2 - Hope

Psalm 25:5 says, "Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." I have to constantly remind myself that keeping my eyes "on the world", is what could leave me with a sense of losing hope. Don't get me wrong, there are times when I can see hope in the world, but I do not look at the world for my hope.

This means I must find my hope in God, for as the Psalmist said, "...you are my God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." This means I must seek out God much more than I seek out hope in the world. Seeking God brings about hope.

No matter what the world or the culture may say, God is still at work through His people. I think of places like the Philippines. When tragedy hits, it is often The Church that steps up and delivers hope in the name of Jesus. We must remember that our job is not to "change the world", or job is to love God's creation (not love the things of the world). "For God so loved the world..." This verse speaks of loving God's Creation. Loving His Creation brings about redemption and restoration. Other governments might bring relief, but there is still another disaster waiting around the corner. Relief brought in the name of Jesus brings more than food, water, shelter and medication - it brings hope for eternal salvation.

Our hope is not found in the world. God can use the things of this world, but it is His presence in His people that brings hope. "Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God, all all these things will be added..." Matthew 6:33. What if all true believers sought after God FIRST and His Kingdom rather than trying to "fight the world"? This is what it means to bring about His Kingdom on earth. When we do this, it will be God who brings about the change for we are allowing His presence to break through. This is where I MUST find my hope.

How about you? Once again, if you have a story of hope, please send me your story at richgriffith@yahoo.com

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