I've got to admit; I have fallen for the religion of consumerism. American christendom is plagued with consumerism. Our "sanctuaries" are similar to movie theaters. Our lobbies are like shopping malls with their fountains, waterfalls and coffee shops. An increasing number of pastors teach a gospel of prosperity: the more you give God, the more He will give back to you. Isn't this more of an investment strategy rather than The Gospel?
I admit it; I have consumerist thoughts: How am I going to be able to put money away for retirement? God reminds me, "The disciples never had a retirement plan." How can I make life better or more comfortable for my son and I? God answers, "How can you make life better for someone else?" How am I going to make it month-to-month? God replies, "Most of my children around the world wonder how they will make it day-to-day?"
For years, I have believed that we are to walk by faith. I have had to have constant reminders about what it means to live by faith. There have been times God has called me to live by faith, to go on missions where I did not know where the money and resources would come from. I went and he was faithful to provide. I went out on faith when it came to adoption. "I am not sure I will make a good dad," I protested. God answered, "Look to me and I will show you how." Now God has called me to bring an orphan over from Latvia to host him during Christmas. It was a decision that would have to be made quickly. I asked friends to pray whom I know would seek God's will. The answer they got back from God was an emphatic, "Yes, do this!" Of course, I have no idea how I will come up with $2,500.00. Maybe God is calling me to look at my budget and see what I can cut out in order to benefit someone else.
All I know is that over the past couple of days, I have been constantly reminded of Jesus' words, "Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it." This is day three of the Journey to bring Elvis. I have to admit, doubt plagues me once again. I am at 10% of the funds needed to bring Elvis to America. A more scarier thought is, "What if God calls me to adopt this young man?" I have NO IDEA where that money would come from as this is a much costlier proposition in the ways of finances and time. I am constantly putting this thought out of my mind due to fear and paralysis.
This I do know; when God gets a hold of your life and heart, He will completely wreck it. This is a good thing. Unlike the way we wreck things, when God wrecks, He rebuilds us to be stronger. He is wrecking my materialistic and consumeristic mind. I know I will survive it but I am just not sure how. This is what it means to live by faith, not by finances.
When you pray that prayer of "Break my heart for what breaks Yours", it is so overwhelming. You are a great dad. I am constantly amazed at your ability to step out on faith...