Thursday, June 30, 2011

Some Serious Considerations

A friend of mine (thanks LJ!) sent a wonderful blog about "Post Adoption Depression". Let me first say, no, I am not depressed. Wondering if I can be a good father, yes! Mainly it is because the boy is still learning to trust and learning the "rules of the house". I feel like I am constantly having to stay a couple of steps ahead of him. I am torn as to whether I should or should not have gotten the puppy for Aaron and let him adopt the puppy. In a way, I think I did the right thing as a dog gives unconditional love and is great "therapy" for any kid.

I do understand why parents are so thankful for when kids get back into school. It has little to do with not wanting their kids around, but more about getting some routine back into life and having more time to get things done. On a bit of a humorous note, I got to thinking the following thoughts:

I used to have some money, now it goes to my son and a dog.

I used to have free time, now I have no idea when I will have "free time". (Thanks for other families though with whom Aaron has been able to get together with.)

I used to get rest, now I have fallen asleep standing up in the shower.

I used to have a clean house, now I could clean everyday and things are still going to get messy.

I used to do laundry once a week, now it is 3 - 4 times a week! (Thank goodness he is not a girl! I'd hate to see how much laundry I would do then.)

I used to be able to make decisions, now I wrestle with nearly every thought! (Seriously, I stood in the shower the other day and was so tired, I didn't know which leg to wash first!)

I STILL believe though that I have made the right decisions!



  1. I have no doubt that you made the right decision and that you will be a wonderful father. I also know that you aren't depressed, but to be aware of some of those things that can sneak up on you after all the frustation of getting him here.

  2. Welcome to parenthood dear friend! I'm glad you're not depressed, never hurts to be aware of the warning signs for things like that though. I KNOW you can be a GREAT father, for two reasons. 1) You have the example of our Heavenly Father to follow, and 2) you have already been such a great father figure to so many over the years. I didn't know you got a dog but I think your reasoning for getting one is sound. The money and the time were God's anyways, it's just much clearer now where He wants you to put some of each, so in a way it's easier to see and follow His will :) It's hard, you are going through one of the biggest adjustment periods in life. But eventually you will be less tired, you'll miss the free time less and will learn to be more efficient than you ever knew you could be with whatever free time you get, and you'll get used to the money differences too. It is such a blessing to see YOU so blessed!

