Okay, I am not a big Justin Bieber fan (and it would seem really odd if I was), BUT, I have got to say how disappointed in our continued direction of culture. What I mean by that is this: Our culture has become notorious for setting people up to become an "idol" and then tearing them down. Everyone from kids on facebook to George Lopez (tonight on TV), we seem to be enamored with setting people up for fortune and fame and then once they get it, our jealousy kicks in and it seems we can't wait for them to fail. Lindsey Lohan, Miley Cyrus, the list goes on and on. (Has anyone noticed how thin Bieber looked anyway? From kids to comedians, they use public forums to take cracks at Beibers sexuality insinuating that he is gay.
Any Christian should have a problem with this as it goes against the very central core belief that we are created in the image of God (Imago Dei). Whether it is Cyrus, Bieber or anyone in between, Christian hearts should break whenever ANYONE is the brunt of a public joke! I realize that what I am saying will not be popular - especially in "popular youth" culture - but my responsibility as a theologian is not to be popular - it is to speak the truth!
Here is the bigger point: As Christians we need to guard our tongues (Book of James) and do all that we can to encourage people, not join the tide of popular culture that sets "stars" up only to tear them down and belittle them.